Tuesday, March 26, 2013



IUPnPRegistrar interface

0 out of 1 rated this helpful - Rate this topicThe IUPnPRegistrar interface registers the devices that run in the context of the device host.

When to implement

Do not implement this interface. The Microsoft standard implementation provides complete functionality.

When to use

Use this interface to register a device on a UPnP network.The GUID used to unregister is not the UDN. You must use the ID returned to you by IUPnPRegistrar::RegisterDevice orIUPnPRegistrar::RegisterRunningDevice.Note  Do not call any method from within an IUPnPRegistrarmethod, except IUPnPRegistrar::GetUniqueDeviceName.


The IUPnPRegistrar interface inherits from the IUnknowninterface. IUPnPRegistrar also has these types of members:Methods


The IUPnPRegistrar interface has these methods.MethodDescriptionGetUniqueDeviceNameMethod that retrieves the UDN of a device. This method is re-entrant.RegisterDeviceMethod that registers a non-running device with the device host. The device persists across system boots.RegisterDeviceProviderMethod that registers a device provider with the device host.RegisterRunningDeviceMethod that registers a running device with the device host.UnregisterDeviceMethod that unregisters the device.UnregisterDeviceProviderMethod that unregisters a device provider. 


Minimum supported clientWindows XP [desktop apps only]Minimum supported serverNone supported [desktop apps only]HeaderUpnphost.hDLLUpnphost.dll 


C++ HRESULT UnregisterDeviceProvider( [in]  BSTR bstrProviderName );

IUPnPRegistrar::GetUniqueDeviceName method

This topic has not yet been rated - Rate this topicThe GetUniqueDeviceName method retrieves the UDN for the specified device. The UDN has been generated by the device host for each embedded device. The template UDN in the device description is replaced by this generated UDN for each embedded device when the device is registered. This method is re-entrant.


C++ HRESULT GetUniqueDeviceName( [in]   BSTR bstrDeviceIdentifier, [in]   BSTR bstrTemplateUDN, [out]  BSTR *pbstrUDN );


bstrDeviceIdentifier [in]Specifies the identifier returned by RegisterDevice orRegisterRunningDevice.bstrTemplateUDN [in]Specifies the UDN from the device description template.pbstrUDN [out]Receives the device's UDN that was generated by the device host.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes defined in WinError.h.


Each UDN specified for a device in the device description template is replaced during registration. The device host replaces each UDN with a globally unique one.


Minimum supported clientWindows XP [desktop apps only]Minimum supported serverNone supported [desktop apps only]HeaderUpnphost.hDLLUpnphost.dll

See also


IUPnPRegistrar::UnregisterDeviceProvider method

This topic has not yet been rated - Rate this topicThe UnregisterDeviceProvider method permanently unregisters and unloads the device provider from the device host. The IUPnPDeviceProvider::Stop method is invoked.


C++ HRESULT UnregisterDeviceProvider( [in]  BSTR bstrProviderName );


bstrProviderName [in]Specifies the provider name. Use the same name that was used in the call to RegisterDeviceProvider.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes defined in WinError.h.


Minimum supported clientWindows XP [desktop apps only]Minimum supported serverNone supported [desktop apps only]HeaderUpnphost.hDLLUpnphost.dll

See also

IUPnPRegistrar  Send com


C++ HRESULT GetUniqueDeviceName( [in]   BSTR bstrDeviceIdentifier, [in]   BSTR bstrTemplateUDN, [out]  BSTR *pbstrUDN );

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