Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Net-Devil backdoor

net-devil-backdoor (15462)High RiskDescription:Net-Devil, also known as Backdoor.Net Devil, NetDevil, BackDoor.RP, BDS.NetDev, Win32.NetDevil, and Troj.NetDevil, is a backdoor Trojan written in Delphi affecting Microsoft Windows operating systems. The backdoor uses a client/server relationship, where the server component is installed in the victim's system and the remote attacker has control of the client. The server attempts to open a port, typically TCP ports 901, 902, 903, and 6667, to allow the client system to connect. Net-Devil could allow a remote attacker to gain unauthorized access to the system.Consequences:Gain AccessRemedy:Use an up-to-date antivirus program to determine if the target computer is host to a backdoor program. If the program detects a backdoor, follow its instructions to disinfect and repair the computer.References:Simovits Web site: Net-Devil.Platforms Affected:Microsoft Windows 2000Microsoft Windows NT 4.0Microsoft Windows XPReported:Aug 01, 2001The information within this database may change without notice. Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. In no event shall the author/distributor (IBM Internet Security Systems X-Force) be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information.For corrections or additions please email xforce@us.ibm.comReturn to the main pageSite Map | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Trademarks © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994 - 2009. All rights reserved worldwide.

Net-Devil 1.5 Faq            1. What is net-devil?2. Options3. Edit Server4. Links_______________________________________________________ 1. What is net-devil? Net-Devil is a client + server program, to make it short, it is a hacking program more or less. The way is works is when you edit the server to send the Trojan, (you will learn about that later) you send it to your victim, and it opens A specific port so that you can connect to the victim. The default port is 901. If you�re wondering if it is illegal, yes it can be, but it depends. If the victim accepts the file (Trojan) from you, no then it is not illegal, which that is basically the only way your going to hack them.______________________________________________________________________2. Options On this part, I will explain what options there are, and what they do. Server Options - With this option, you have the choice of uninstalling the server, closing it, restarting the server and getting the server's information. What this option basically lets you do is, it closes the victim's internet server, which means it will disconnect them from the internet, but be careful, if you uninstall there server, they will have to reinstall it, I do not know if this option works very well or not, but if you wish to try it, go ahead. File Manager - This is one of my favorite options because you can download, upload, and of course my favorite delete! This is probably one of the most dangerous options there is because it is like being in there windows explorer, you can delete anything on there pc, or download there personal files! It's your choice, but just be very careful when using this feature. Passwords - With this option, you can get the victim's personal passwords, and it really rocks! So if you get there passwords to maybe AOL (America Online) there you have it! You have an AOL account that you may run freely on :). Process Control - This option allows you to end any hidden process running in there back ground, which really isn�t all that great. But hey, it works! Windows Control - This option is one of my other favorites, it's more for making your victim wanna go crazy! With this feature, you can change the name of the window box that they have open, all you have to do is click on the window that you want to change the name of, and click change title, A box will appear, and you type what you want it to say, you may also close the windows of your choice or you can really get evil by disabling there "x" in the top right corner where they push to close the window, pretty funky eh >:)? Chat With Victim - This is really scary, what you can do is when you click this option A box will appear on the victims monitor, they cannot close it until you deactivate it. You can also put what you want there name to be when they type to you, the default settings are master and slave. Webcam Spy - Ok, this is the king of all options, if the victim has a webcam, you can watch them and see every move they make, the cool part is, if you get a girl on a cam, you can threaten her to do whatever you want  >:) (jeez I�m evil, lol). Screen Capture - This option is pretty simple, you can capture a image of there whole desktop to see what they have, or you can press "Start Preview" to do a constant scan of there desktop each time it changes. Key logger - This is another simple option, this allows you to view whatever the victim types, so if like they are logging into a chat client such as yahoo messenger or any other client, you can watch them type there name and password :). Registry Editor - This is pretty much the most boring option there is, it allows you to delete there registry files. Do not ask me what registry files are, because I do not feel like explaining it :P. Funny Stuff - Here are the options inside of the "Funny Stuff" window, I shouldn't have to explain them, they actually speak for themselves...   Taskbar - This option lets you hide or show there task bar, when you hide it, they have no way of getting to there start menu :P.   Monitor - This option just allows you to turn there monitor on or off :).   Taskbar Clock - All this does is allows you to hide there clock.   Desktop Icons - This will probably make your victim cry! You can either hide or show all there desktop icons >:).   Mouse - This have a couple options, you can hide there mouse pointer, or show it after you get done hiding it, or you can swap there mouse buttons, so another words right click would be left and vise versa.   Start Button - This will allow you to make your victims start button disappear, or you can disable it, so that when they try to click it, it does not respond!   CD Rom - This is freaky, you can open or close there cd player :).   Num Lock - You can enable or disable there num lock option there keyboard.   Caps Lock - Same as above   Scroll Lock - Same as above Batch Scripting - This is another dangerous option, but I have not got it to work, but it is supposed to delete every thing they have, pretty scary thought if it were to happen to you, but like I said it never did work for me. More - I will now explain what the options do in the "More" section...   Misc - In this section you have the option to change there resolution, you can exit windows, and you can make there printer print! You can also flip there screen, run programs (if you know the path name) and open up web pages!   Redirect DOS - This is another dangerous option, if you know really good DOS commands you can run the commands on the victims pc through DOS, you can run them visible or invisible.   Client Chat - This is a nifty option, it allows you to chat with any other person or person's connected to your victims PC.   System Files - This allows you to view your victims system files, you can upload them, or search for a specific type of system file :).   Messages - This allows you to pop up a box on the victims screen saying whatever you want it to say.   Start Button - This option never worked for me, but it is supposed to replace the image of the start button with one of the selected images of your choice.   PC Info - This brings up info about there whole computer, from there processor speed to there windows key number.______________________________________________________________________ 3. Edit Server Ok, this is the most important part you need to know! without this info, you will not be able to proceed into hacking someone... Here is how you edit the server... Step 1. First open edit-server. Step 2. Then you want to click on the little folder at the top of the window, it will now open a box to load a file that you choose. You want to select the file that says "Server", it should be located in your net-devil folder. Step 3. After you load the server in, you want to click on "cgi notify" then you want to check the box that says "Enable cgi notify", after that, you want to select every thing in the box that says "Attacked Data" and you want to copy it and paste it in the box that says "Path to cgi script" Step 4. After you have completed step 3, you want to stop where you are, and go download ICQ, after you download ICQ and get it up and running, you will want to check the box that says "enable ICQ notify" then after you check it, look at the top of your ICQ for a long number, and you want to type that number in the box that says "UIN to notify". Step 5. Now you want to click "Fake Error" and you want to check the box that says "Enable fake error" then you want to select a sign of your choice, it doesn�t really matter which one. In the title box, type a really good error that you would most likely get, do not give yourself away by typing something stupid :P. The title is what the error will be called, in the text box, you type what the error is goin to say. Step 6. After step 5 you want to click on the box that says "miscellaneous" and you want to check these boxes....Kill AV/FirewallOnly Open Port When OnlineLog Pressed Keys (offline key logger).These are the only boxes you should have checked. You do not have to worry about any other things on that column. Step 7. Now this is where you get to select an icon you wish to use, this will show a little picture as the icon, make the icon something that wont scare the victim, just fool them into opening the Trojan >:). After you choose your icon, click the button that says "Save And Compress". Step 8. After you have finished step 7, go to your net-devil folder, and your brand new Trojan will be waiting for you to send to your victim's. Step 9. Now that you have your new Trojan made, send it to your victim, and before you send it, make sure that you have ICQ open, now when you send it to them, wait until they click on it, you will know, when they do click it, your ICQ will make A ringing noise, click on your ICQ and click on the message it sent you. You will then see a number in the message box, that will be there IP address, you take that number, and you type it in the ox of your net-devil program at the top, after that, click connect and bang! There you have it! You should now be connected to your victim and able to do anything you want to do to them!_______________________________________________________ http://www.hackers-black-book.com/nuke/Forums/viewforum/f=1.html http://www.hackers-black-book.com/nuke/Net_Devil_FAQs.html

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