Saturday, June 8, 2013

system more more more

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` ` p p � |+ �A �? � �( 8F �2 �% `/ �: l6 osbl_auth osbl_hash osbl_sahara_if crc.c Assertion byte_ptr != NULL failed Assertion buf_ptr != NULL failed Invalid SMEM buffer size requested for memory %d. Invalid SMEM memory type, %d, requested. smem.c Invalid memory type %d Out of shared memory have %d requested %d for %d The smem allocation table is too small Can't initialize heap info SMEM layout mismatch for %d %x != %x sdioc_init_proc.c Assertion "Unsupported SDIOC device" == NULL failed Assertion dr == DAL_SUCCESS failed Copy to smem failed! Sources SMEM init failed! clkrgm_mpss_boot.c spinlock.c Invalid argument to spin_lock Invalid argument to spin_unlock clkrgm_sources.c Reconfiguring local active PLL: %d [clk_regime_is_source_enabled] Source out of range: %d [clk_regime_is_source_client] Client out of range: %d [clk_regime_source_request] Client out of range: %d Cannot reconfigure shared PLL: %d, votes=0x%x Resource %d is exclusive, used by %x (c=%d) Clock %d released (usage=%d, ext=%d) Clock %d requested (usage=%d, ext=%d) Client %d released resource %d (clients=%x) Client %d requested resource %d (clients=%x) clkrgm_rm.c Usage count already zero, clock=%d Invalid client/resource: c=%d, r=%d Invalid resource: r=%d Need code changes to support more than 64 clients Unsupported Regime EMDH Unsupported Regime PMDH Cannot switch adsp clk, not owned by processor! Unsupported Regime MI2S CODEC RX on this Target! Unsupported Regime MI2S CODEC TX on this Target! Unsupported Regime vdc on this Target! Unsupported Regime ecodec on this Target! Unsupported Regime GP clkrgm_msm.c Unsupported Regime VFE new_src: %d Unsupported Regime SDC1 speed: %d Unsupported Regime UART1 speed: %d Not the Regime Owner UART1 speed: %d Unsupported Regime SDC2 speed: %d Unsupported Regime UART2 speed: %d Not the Regime Owner UART2 speed: %d Unsupported Regime SDC3 speed: %d Unsupported Regime UART3 speed: %d Not the Regime Owner UART3 speed: %d Unsupported Regime SDC4 speed: %d Unsupported Regime UART1DM speed: %d Invalid VFE source: %d Unsupported GP source: %d Unsupported QDSP6 regime: %d Unsupported Regime vdc perf: %d Unsupported sdac cfg: %d Unsupported Regime sdac cfg: %d Unsupported sdc cfg: %d Unsupported ecodec cfg: %d Unsupported Regime ecodec cfg: %d Unsupported icodec_rx cfg: %d Unsupported Regime icodec_rx cfg: %d Unsupported icodec_tx cfg: %d Unsupported Regime icodec_tx cfg: %d Invalid GP config: %d Unsupported clk: %d freq: %d Match: %d Unsupported clk: %d freq: %d match: %d [clk_regime_msm_off] Unsupported clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_on] Unsupported clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_reset] Unsupported clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_reset_assert] Unsupported clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_reset_deassert] Unsupported clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_sel_clk_inv] Unsupported clock: %d Clock divider request for unsupported clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_is_enabled] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_is_supported] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_enable] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_disable] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_off] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_on] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_is_on] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_reset] Invalid clock: %d [clk_regime_msm_on] Processor not owner of clock: %d Unsupported ADSP clk: %d Unsupported Regime MI2S CODEC RX new_clk: %d g5 Regime MI2S CODEC TX new_clk: %d Unsupported QDSP6 performance level: %d Unsupported Regime MDP_LCDC freq: %d Unsupported Regime Camera new_freq: %d [clk_regime_msm_get_perf_level_freq_khz] Unsupported param: %d %d Unable to find regime %d in sync list of %d NULL source for clk %d Invalid UARTDM config: regime=%d, cfg=%d Invalid UART config: clk=%d, cfg=%d Invalid UART: clk=%d Cannot switch %d clk, not supported Clock %d mux not supported PMIC: GPIO ENABLE set to HIGH PMIC: End pm_vreg_set_level_TI_TPS62651_external_smps() call with Range ERROR PMIC: End pm_vreg_set_level_TI_TPS62651_external_smps() call with SUCCESS PMIC: GPIO ENABLE set to LOW PMIC: Start pm_vreg_control_TI_TPS62651_external_smps() call cmd = %d PMIC: Start pm_vreg_set_level_TI_TPS62651_external_smps() call level = %d, NACK status = %d PMIC: pm_DalI2C_Read() reg = %x, val = %x, result = %d PMIC: End pm_vreg_control_TI_TPS62651_external_smps() call PMIC: Before pm_set_vsel_high_operating_mode() pm_vreg_external_smps_i.c PMIC: setting VSEL low, threshokd = %d, status = %d PMIC: setting VSEL high, threshold = %d, status = %d PMIC: pm_DalI2C_Write() reg = %x, val = %x, result = %d PMIC: End pm_vreg_set_level_TI_TPS62651_external_smps() call with ERROR. Will use GPIO now PMIC: Could not set SMPS high operating mode. I2C write error: %x clkrgm_msm_bridge.c Invalid bridge: %d Invalid bridge request: %d Bridge control for %d tied to clock Unable to switch fabric clock! clkrgm_fabric.c Unsupported FABRIC perf level: fabric_clk=%d clkrgm_sdram.c Unsupported SDRAM perf level: sdram_clk=%d clkrgm_msm_rm.c Invalid resource or clk: r=%d, clk=%d MDM1000 QST1000 MDM2000 MDM3000 QST1100 MDM6200 MSM7200 MDM8200 MDM9200 QST1500 MSM7500 QST1600 MDM6600 MSM7600 MDM9600 QST1700 MSM7800 MDM8900 MDM6210 MDM6610 MDM8220 MSM7230 MSM7630 ESC6240 QSC6240 QSD8250 QSD8550 QSD8650 QSD8850 APQ8060 MSM6260 MSM8260 MSM8660 ESC6270 QSC6270 MSM6280 ESM6290 MSM6290 MSM7225-1 MSM7625-1 MSM7227-1 MSM7627-1 MSM7201 MSM7601 MSM7625-2 MSM7627-2 QSD8672 QST1005 QST1105 ESM7205 MDM6215 MDM6615 ESM7225 MSM7225 MSM7525 MSM7625 ESM6235 MSM6245 APQ8055 QSC6155 MSM6255 MSM8255 MSM8655 QSC6165 QSC6175 QSC6185 QSC6285 QSC6195 ESC6295 QSC6295 QSC6695 ESM7206 ESM6246 MSM6246 ESM7227 MSM7227 MSM7627 MSM7200A MDM8200A MSM7500A QSD8250A QSD8650A MSM7201A ESM7205A MSM6255A ESM7206A UNKNOWN ADMH00 INTCTL0 TXR0 ADMH01 FPB1 SDC1 CLK_CTL_SH1 SPI1 INTCTL1 SDIO1 TLMMGPIO1 TXR1 GEN2AXI_NX1 ADMH02 A2 FPB2 SDC2 CLK_CTL_SH2 SSBI2 SPI2 INTCTL2 SDIO2 EBI2CS2 UART2 GEN2AXI_NX2 ADMH03 FPB3 SDC3 CLK_CTL_SH3 INTCTL3 CRYPTO3 UART3 SDC4 INTCTL4 SDC5 INTCTL5 INTCTL6 INTCTL7 CRA DFAB PERPH_WEB AHB2AHB QDSP6FWSS_PUB QDSP6SWSS_PUB CWBC GPS_GACC GNSS_ADC QLIC TOP_FABRIC USB2_HSIC XMEMC QDSP6FWSS_SIRC QDSP6SWSS_SIRC MPSS_AHB_MISC NTC RFD EBI2ND O_RX_FE DAYTONA_PIPE SPARE SIC_NON_SECURE TSIF MPSS_MUTEX_REG QDSP6FW_L2TCM_CFG QDSP6SW_L2TCM_CFG TG TLMMGPIO1SH PEI MPSS_ARM9_MTI WCDMA_DEMBACK SDC1_DML SDC2_DML SDC3_DML SDC4_DML SDC5_DML MEM_POOL SEC_CTRL MPSS_SEC_INTCTL CHIP_PRI_INTCTL CLK_CTL SDC1_BAM SDIO1_BAM A2_BAM SDC2_BAM SDIO2_BAM SDC3_BAM SDC4_BAM SDC5_BAM USB2_HSIC_BAM USB1_HS_BAM IRAM PPSS_CODE_RAM PPSS_BUF_RAM UART1DM NAV_DM HDEM MODEM MDSPMEM DAYTONA_PMEM QDSP6FWSS_IM QDSP6SWSS_IM BPM A9_MPM EBI2XM MPSS_TIMERS_MICRO MPSS_TIMERS_SLP EVP EBI2CR DECODER TXDAC_STMR O_STMR TCSR QDSP6FWSS_CSR QDSP6SWSS_CSR MPSSREGS USB1_HS PPSS O_DEINT RPU CDMA_EQU NAV QDSP6FWSS_SAW QDSP6SWSS_SAW ENC_BURST_FW DEMOD_1X HSDDRX O_TX TQ_ARRAY HAL_SBI_SSBI_V2_NOFTM � ���� �Q �Q �� � �� Dr Dx �n m n �m xs �t Xt t �s x Lo �} D� �u �w Du |v � Po { ??? 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- Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message Log type: B - since boot(excluding boot rom).  D - delta OVERFLOW � �S � h$ t$ \$ 4% �$ �% @% �% �S

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