Monday, January 28, 2013


ISdpWalk::WalkStream (Windows CE 5.0)

Windows CE 5.0This topic has not yet been rated - Rate this topicSend FeedbackThis method walks a raw SDP stream.HRESULT WalkStream( UCHAR elementType, ULONG elementSize, UCHAR* pStream );


elementType[in] Type of element.elementSize[in] Size of the element.pStream[in] Pointer to the stream.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.Header: Bthapi.h, Bthapi.idl.Link Library: Btdrt.lib.

See Also


NodeDataUnion (Windows CE 5.0)

Windows CE 5.0This topic has not yet been rated - Rate this topicSend FeedbackThis union holds the raw data for an SDP element.typedef union NodeDataUnion { DP_LARGE_INTEGER_16 int128; SDP_ULARGE_INTEGER_16 uint128; GUID uuid128; ULONG uuid32; USHORT uuid16; LONGLONG int64; ULONGLONG uint64; LONG int32; ULONG uint32; SHORT int16; USHORT uint16; CHAR int8; UCHAR uint8; UCHAR booleanVal; SdpString str; SdpString url; ISdpNodeContainer* container; } NodeDataUnion;


int128128-bit integer.uint128Unsigned 128-bit integer.uuid128UUID represented using 128 bits.uuid32UUID represented using 32 bits.uuid16UUID represented using 16 bits.int6464-bit integer.uint64Unsigned 64-bit integer.int3232-bit integer.uint32Unsigned 32-bit integer.int1616-bit integer.uint16Unsigned 16-bit integer.int88-bit integer.uint8Unsigned 8-bit integer.booleanValBoolean value.strString data.urlURL data.containerPointer to an ISdpNodeContainer interface.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.Header: Bthapi.idl.

luetooth Technical Information

If you're an engineer, product manager, or anyone else looking for detailed technical information, you'll find a large Technical Resources section on our site . Some of this information requires member sign-in, but you can also access BluetoothCore Specifications and information about profiles, testing, qualification and more even if you aren't a member of the Bluetooth  is dedicated to Bluetooth SIG members. It serves as the definitive source of information regarding Bluetooth SIG programs, initiatives, and events. If you're associated with a member company, you can log in to . If you're interested in Bluetooth SIG membership, learn more in the membership section of

For Developers

If you're an application developer or engineer creating software or devices with Bluetoothtechnology, then check out the new Bluetooth Developer Portal . You'll find overviews of Bluetooth technology and resources for developing products. There's something for everyone, whether you're a newcomer to Bluetooth technology, smartphone app developer or experienced Bluetooth engineer.

Building with Bluetooth Technology

We also recommend visiting the "Building with the Technology" section of our website.Although this website is primarily for Bluetooth SIG members, you don't have to be a member to access any of this valuable information. The section includes:Search listings for Qualified products and componentsProduct development information, including details about building, testing, and qualifying productsHow the technology worksBluetooth core specificationand much more...

Technical Resources

Here are some additional technical resources to help you understand Bluetooth technology. Most of these links require a Bluetooth SIG member user name and password:Adopted Specifications The guiding document for the development of Bluetooth Profile Specifications.Assigned Numbers  A list of assigned numbers, codes and identifiers in the Bluetooth wireless standard.Bluetooth Qualification Test Facilities (BQTF) Bluetooth Qualification Experts (BQEs) Bluetooth Core Specification Roadmap  *The guiding document for the development of Bluetooth Core Specifications.Profile Tuning Suite  *PTS is a PC-based, black box tool designed for testing Bluetooth protocol and profile implementations. PTS can be used for in-house testing of a wide range of possible Bluetooth devices with many profiles.Bluetooth Profile Roadmap  ** Require a Bluetooth SIG member login to view. See Also

NodeData | Bluetooth Application Development StructuresSend Feedback on this topic to the authors

Adopted Bluetooth Core Specifications


Adopted Date


Core Specification Addendum (CSA) 324 July 2012Refer to the Mixing of Specification Versions Part for applicabilityCore Specification Supplement (CSS) v224 July 2012 Core Specification Addendum (CSA) 227 December 2011Refer to the Mixing of Specification Versions Part for applicabilityCore Specification Supplement (CSS) v127 December 2011 Core Version 4.030 June 2010 Core Version 3.0 + HS 21 April 2009  Core Specification Addendum (CSA) 126 June 2008Applicable to v2.0 + EDR and v2.1 + EDRCore Version 2.1 + EDR26 July 2007 Volume 4: HCI Transports01 January 2006 Core Version 2.0 + EDR04 November 2004 Within the Deprecation Notice PeriodTo the top 

Adopted Bluetooth Profiles, Services, Protocols and Transports


GATT-Based Specifications (Qualifiable) 


Adopted Versions

ANPAlert Notification Profile1.0ANSAlert Notification Service1.0BASBattery Service1.0BLPBlood Pressure Profile1.0BLSBlood Pressure Service1.0CSCPCycling Speed and Cadence Profile1.0CSCSCycling Speed and Cadence Service1.0CTSCurrent Time Service1.0DISDevice Information Service1.1FMPFind Me Profile1.0GLPGlucose Profile1.0GLSGlucose Service1.0HIDSHID Service1.0HOGPHID over GATT Profile1.0HTPHealth Thermometer Profile1.0HTSHealth Thermometer Service1.0HRPHeart Rate Profile1.0HRSHeart Rate Service1.0IASImmediate Alert Service1.0LLSLink Loss Service1.0NDCSNext DST Change Service1.0PASPPhone Alert Status Profile1.0PASSPhone Alert Status Service1.0PXPProximity Profile1.0RSCPRunning Speed and Cadence Profile1.0RSCSRunning Speed and Cadence Service1.0RTUSReference Time Update Service1.0ScPPScan Parameters Profile1.0ScPSScan Parameters Service1.0TIPTime Profile1.0TPSTx Power Service1.0


Traditional Profiles (Qualifiable) 


Adopted Versions

A2DPAdvanced Audio Distribution Profile1.0 / 1.2 / 1.3AVRCPA/V Remote Control Profile1.0 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5BIPBasic Imaging Profile1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2BPPBasic Printing Profile1.0 / 1.2DIDevice ID Profile1.2 / 1.3DUNDial-Up Networking Profile1.1 / 1.2FTPFile Transfer Profile1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3GAVDPGeneric A/V Distribution Profile1.0 / 1.2 / 1.3GOEPGeneric Object Exchange Profile1.1 / 2.0 / 2.1GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System Profile1.0HCRPHardcopy Cable Replacement Profile1.0 / 1.2HDPHealth Device Profile1.0 / 1.1HFPHands-Free Profile1.5 / 1.6HSPHeadset Profile1.1 / 1.2HIDHuman Interface Device Profile1.0 / 1.1MAPMessage Access Profile1.0OPPObject Push Profile1.1 / 1.2PANPersonal Area Networking Profile1.0PBAPPhone Book Access Profile1.0 / 1.1SAPSIM Access Profile1.0 / 1.1SDAPService Discovery Application Profile1.1SPPSerial Port Profile1.1 / 1.2SYNCHSynchronization Profile1.1 / 1.2VDPVideo Distribution Profile1.0 / 1.1




Adopted Version(s)

AVCTPA/V Control Transport (Qualifiable)1.0 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4AVDTPA/V Distribution Transport (Qualifiable)1.0 / 1.2 / 1.3BNEPBluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (Qualifiable)1.0IrDAIrDA Interoperability1.1 / 2.0MCAPMulti-Channel Adaptation Protocol (Qualifiable)1.0RFCOMMRFCOMM (Qualifiable)



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