If it's not still here on the first page, this is a link to the post explaining my current situation (wouldn't fit here): http://trackmyhack504.blogspot.com/2013/01/my-current-situation.html?m=0 System info basics are in some of the first few posts I made. And I apoligize, since most of this blog is posted via android I'm guessing there will plenty of typos (thumb typing is slow going).
Monday, January 28, 2013
SCRIPT ANDROID OpenIntents - Google Partner
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Registry of intents protocols
Show: Applications Intents URIs ExtrasThis is a list of intents that can be implemented or called by activities. View all fields. Add a new intent protocol.TitleActionDescriptionAPI for printing from Android Applicationscom.rcreations.send2printer.printThe "Send 2 Printer" application hooks into existing applications to enable printing,Audio Volume Update Notification Broadcastorg.openintents.audio.action_volume_updateThis broadcast intent is used by an application to notify any receivers that an audio volume change is being performed.Big Red Button Pressedcom.perseum.bigRedButtonPressedNotifies that the application "BigRedButton" has been pressed. This intent can be used by the End User for any purpose.Bind to SSH Agent serviceorg.openintents.ssh.BIND_SSH_AGENT_SERVICEThis intent is used to bind to a service which exposes the AndroidAuthAgent AIDL interface, allowing one app to use another as it's SSH agent.Bluetooth Device PickerPICK_BLUETOOTH_DEVICELet the user pick a Bluetooth Device. Returns MAC Address and Name.Bluetooth Watch (Button press)com.smartmadsoft.openwatch.commandIntents that are broadcasted on button press by OpenWatch (MBW-100, MBW-150, MBW-200).Bluetooth Watch (Display text)com.smartmadsoft.openwatch.actionIntents handled by OpenWatch. Any of these intents is capable displaying up to two lines of text.Browse File/Folder (Jump To)android.intent.action.VIEWOpen a file browser and display the file (or folder contents) of the File URI passed in. Also known as "Jump To..."Calculatororg.openintents.action.CALCULATORLaunches a calculator, returns the final value calculated by the user. See RpnCalc for an example of an app that responds to this intent.Callandroid.intent.action.CALLPerform a call to someone specified by the data.Capture an imageandroid.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTUREAn application implementing this intent protocol allows the user to capture an image.Charting API TeeChartcom.steema.teechart.android.CHARTTeeChart CHART Intent enables your application creating charts without having to link the complete TeeChart API Java library.Check for Updateorg.openintents.intents.CHECK_VERSIONPreliminary protocol until Market improves update facitilities!Color categoryorg.openintents.category.COLORUse as a <category> in combination with the Intent Action "android.intent.action.PICK" in order to launch a color picker.Connect hostorg.theb.ssh.action.CONNECT_HOSTConnect to a host.Count pages of a PDF filecom.acadoid.pdfview.action.COUNT_PAGEScounts the number of pages in a given PDF fileInput:- Uri of PDF file via Intent.putDataAndType() (should point to a file located on the SD card)Output:- number of pages via Intent.getExtras().getInt("PAGES") (the number is zero if a problem occurred)- Uri of PDF file via Intent.putDataAndType() (Uri of PDF file, mirrored for convenience)Create shortcutandroid.intent.action.CREATE_SHORTCUTCreates a shortcut on the main screen.Delete dataandroid.intent.action.DELETEDelete the given data from its container.Dial a numberandroid.intent.action.DIALDial a number as specified by the data.Edit collectionnet.lp.collectionista.action.EDIT_COLLECTIONEdit a collection specifically. A collection of items.Edit dataandroid.intent.action.EDITProvide explicit editable access to the given data.Edit Images with Photoshop.com Mobile 1.1 Editorandroid.intent.action.EDITAny application can use the Photoshop.com Mobile 1.1 editor for editing images on Android phones.Edit itemnet.lp.collectionista.action.EDIT_ITEMEdit an item specifically. An item from a collection.Edit name (of collections, items, ...)net.lp.collectionista.action.EDIT_NAMEEdit the name of a collection or an item.Edit titlecom.android.notepad.action.EDIT_TITLEEdit the title of a content.Encodecom.google.zxing.client.android.ENCODEEncode to barcode and display on screen.Enter Habitatorg.adaptroid.habitats.ACTION_ENTER_HABITATSticky broadcast intent sent by Habitats whenever the current habitat on an android device changes.Environmental measurementcom.borntotinker.intent.action.MEASUREAn open ended intent to collect information from the android phone's surroundings.Flashlightcom.teslacoilsw.intent.FLASHLIGHTUsed to control the state of the LED Flash for flashlighting purposes.Flickr photocom.google.android.photostream.FLICKR_PHOTOShow a flickr photo.Flickr streamcom.google.android.photostream.FLICKR_STREAMDisplay a Flickr stream.Get contentandroid.intent.action.GET_CONTENTAllow the user to select a particular kind of data and return it.Insert dataandroid.intent.action.INSERTInsert an empty item into the given container.launch gallery view of IP Cam Viewerandroid.intent.action.MAINLaunch the gallery view of the IP Cam Viewer application.launch matrix view of IP Cam Viewerandroid.intent.action.MAINLaunch the matrix view of the IP Cam Viewer application.Launch of X serverandroid.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEWThis intention is used to allow X11 applications to be able to launch an X server as a prerrequisite for other applications.List all applicationsandroid.intent.action.ALL_APPSList all available applications.Mainandroid.intent.action.MAINStart as a main entry point, does not expect to receive data.Pay moneyorg.openintents.action.PAYTOIntent to pay some one a specified amount of money.Pick a dateandroid.intent.action.PICKPick a date or event using a calendar based interface.Pick activityandroid.intent.action.PICK_ACTIVITYPick an activity given an intent, returning the class selected.Pick an eventandroid.intent.action.PICKPick an event using a calendar based interface. Also returns the event's date.Pick Colororg.openintents.action.PICK_COLORPick a color using a color picker dialog.Pick dataandroid.intent.action.PICKPick an item from the data, returning what was selected.Pick directoryorg.openintents.action.PICK_DIRECTORYPick a directory (folder) through a file manager.Pick fileorg.openintents.action.PICK_FILEPick a file through a file manager.Pick folderandroid.intent.action.PICKPick a folder through a file manager.Playback Musiccom.mgeek.android.musicbox.PLAYBACK_VIEWERShows a player, this is not really a protocol, maybe the author of the app can tell us more.Plot Datacom.googlecode.chartdroid.intent.action.PLOTChartDroid currently produces a pie chart representation of input data.Print Imageorg.androidprinting.intent.action.PRINTAny application can use HP iPrint Photo for Android for printing images on nearby printers from Android phones.Record a new financial transactioncom.funkyandroid.action.NEW_TRANSACTIONThis intent reports a financial transaction to be recorded in an expenses or banking application.Record soundandroid.provider.MediaStore.RECORD_SOUNDStart SoundRecorder application to record sound.Remote Intentscom.xconns.peerdevicenet.START_REMOTE_ACTIVITYPeerDeviceNet exposes a group of intents for sending intents to remote devices:com.xconns.peerdevicenet.START_REMOTE_ACTIVITYcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.START_REMOTE_ACTIVITY_FOR_RESULTcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.START_REMOTE_SERVICEcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.SEND_REMOTE_BROADCASTfor more details, please refer tohttp://www.peerdevicenet.net/rmt_intent.htmlRemote messagingcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.SEND_MSGPeerDeviceNet provides two sets of intents for remote messaging among peer devices:1. Intents for group communication:com.xconns.peerdevicenet.JOIN_GROUPcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.LEAVE_GROUPcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.SEND_MSGcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.RECV_MSGcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.PEER_JOINcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.PEER_LEAVEcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.SELF_JOINcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.SELF_LEAVE2. Intents for setup device connectionscom.xconns.peerdevicenet.CONNECTcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.DISCONNECTcom.xconns.peerdevicenet.ACCEPT_CONNECTIONRemote Vieworg.openintents.remote.intent.action.VIEWSimulates an android.intent.action.VIEW intent on a remote machine.Render pages of a PDF filecom.acadoid.pdfview.action.RENDER_PAGESInput:- Uri of PDF file via Intent.putDataAndType() (should point to a file located on the SD card)- page set via Intent.putExtra("PAGE_SET", int[]) (pages are numbered 1 to number of pages, an empty page set results in all pages being rendered)- resolution via Intent.putExtra("RESOLUTION", float) (resolution to be understood in dpi, meaningful values range from 50 to 300 dpi)Reserve/Book a tablecom.opentable.action.RESERVEReserve a table at a known location of opentable.com, partysize and refId are optional query parameters of the url.Resolve unresolved intentsorg.openintents.intents.UNRESOLVED_INTENTDelegates the user to a selection of possible applications that can resolve the given intent.Ringmode Controlcom.roozen.intent.RINGMODE_CONTROLBrings user to activity to quickly change the phone's ringmode.Ringtone pickerandroid.intent.action.RINGTONE_PICKERShow a ringtone picker.Save SIP Callde.ub0r.android.callmeter.SAVE_SIPCALLSend this broadcast to notify Call Meter 3G, that the call log entry (uri) is a SIP call done with the provider (provider).Save WebSMSde.ub0r.android.callmeter.SAVE_WEBSMSSend the URI of a sent text message as broadcast to notify Call Meter 3G that the message was sent with the given WebSMS Connector.Scancom.google.zxing.client.android.SCANScan a barcode.Scan a QR codela.droid.qr.scanScan a QR code with QR Droid.Searchandroid.intent.action.SEARCHPerform a search.Search book contentscom.google.zxing.client.android.SEARCH_BOOK_CONTENTSUse Google Book Search to search the contents of the book provided.Send a message to the given uriandroid.intent.action.SENDTOSend a message to someone specified by the data.Send data to someoneandroid.intent.action.SENDDeliver some data to someone else.Send Twitter Messagecom.twidroid.SendTweetSend a Twitter/Identi.ca Message thru Twidroid.Set wallpaperandroid.intent.action.SET_WALLPAPERShow settings for choosing wallpaperShare (through QR code)com.google.zxing.client.android.SHAREDisplay an item as QR code to scan with a phone.Show about dialogorg.openintents.action.SHOW_ABOUT_DIALOGShow an about dialog to display information about your application.Show GPS Statuscom.eclipsim.gpsstatus.VIEWShows the status of the GPS receiver, including the signal strength and location of visible satellites.Show radarcom.google.android.radar.SHOW_RADARDisplay a radar like view centered around the current position and mark the given locationSound Controlcom.roozen.intent.SOUND_CONTROLBrings user to a sound control screen where user can modify a number of different sound settings.Start GTalkSMS service and try to establish a connection.com.googlecode.gtalksms.action.CONNECTStarts the GTalkSMS service if its not already running and tries to establish a new connection.More information about GTalkSMS can be found at http://code.google.com/p/gtalksms/Tag dataorg.openintents.action.TAGAdd a tag to the given data.Translateorg.openintents.action.TRANSLATETranslate a textUse some translation engine to translate a text and return the result.User Info Choosernet.ivantis.userinfo.chooserallows the user to choose information (username, password, email address..) to be filled into another applicationVibration Controlcom.roozen.intent.VIBRATION_CONTROLBrings user to activity to quickly change the phone's vibration settings.View dataandroid.intent.action.VIEWDisplay the data to the user.Volume Controlcom.roozen.intent.VOLUME_CONTROLUse this intent to pop up a dialog box in your activity to allow the user to manually change one of the six volume streams as listed under input.Web Intents "Discover" protocolorg.openintents.DISCOVERThe discover intent is designed to let the invoking Android components query services from the registered Web intentsThe "Discover" protocol is intended to be a lightweight registry list.Web searchandroid.intent.action.WEB_SEARCHPerform a web search.
Android Libraries
If your favourite library is not listed please add it here.TitleDescriptionActionBarSherlockActionBarSherlock is an extension of the compatibility library designed to facilitate the use of the action bar design pattern across all versions of Android with a single API.http://actionbarsherlock.com/ActiveRecord for AndroidORM to simplify use of SQLite with Java Objectshttp://code.google.com/p/android-active-record/AdWhirlAdWhirl is a free, open source tool that helps you make more money from your iPhone or Android app. It enables you to serve ads in your app from any number of ad networks as well as your own house ads. By using multiple networks, you can determine which perform best for you and optimize accordingly to maximize your revenue and fill all your inventory.www.adwhirl.comaiCharts (commercial)Android Chart Engine, requires developer license.http://www.artfulbits.com/Android/aiCharts.aspxAllyjoyn - P2P SDKQualcomm's solution for P2P communication across platforms including Android:http://developer.qualcomm.com/dev/alljoyn-p2pAndroid Billing Helper LibraryRobotmedia created a helper library to simplify the in-app billing processhttps://github.com/robotmedia/AndroidBillingLibraryAndroid Chart (commercial)Library with Chart API, requires developer license.http://www.keepedge.com/products/android_charting/Android Chart Library - kiChartkiChart is a chart solutions on android platform, you can use it to create your android chart applications. It's easy to use, effectively and powerfully. It will save your valuable time in developing.Features: kiChart provides set of the basic used chart types, (1) Line Chart (2) Bar Chart (3) Pie ChartOther functions: (1) Support multiple series. (2) Export chart as image file. (3) Define the parameters: margin, size, font color, font size and etc. (4) More controls on y-axis values, you can set float type of value, start-value and end-value.http://www.kidroid.com/kichart/Android Easy LibraryAndroid is an amazing platform, with great SDK for the developers to make rich application, though still for the absolute begineer the API are still hard to use, so I have made an extremely easy to use set of API for the Android SDK, with this the one who are extremely new to the development environment can still develop great applicataions.Note: The library is compatible with Android 2.3.3 only right now.For the documentation and the library go to: http://code.google.com/p/android-easy-library/Android Form Edit TextAndroid form edit text is an extension of EditText that brings data validation facilities to the edittext.https://github.com/vekexasia/android-form-edittextSample available on Google Play Store :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andreabaccega.edittext...Android Image CacheProject page: Android Image CacheAn image download-and-cacher that also knows how to efficiently generate and retrieve thumbnails of various sizes.Featureseasily integrates into content-provider backed applications, providing an adapter that can read local and web URLs from a cursorautomatic generation and caching of multiple sizes of images based on one downloaded assetprovides a disk cache as well as a memory cachedesigned to work with your existing setup: no extending a custom application or activity neededcursor adapter supports multiple image fields for each ImageView; skips fields that are null or emptycursor adapter has an automatic progress bar when loading the cursorAndroid MapView BallonsAllows to annotate map overlay items with a simple information balloon when using Google Mapshttps://github.com/jgilfelt/android-mapviewballoonsAndroid PDF Viewer libraryThis is a packaging of the project "Android PDF Viewer" (http://andpdf.sourceforge.net/) into a reusable library to make PDF viewing easier from within your Android application. To remain consistent with the licensing of the original project, it is licensed under the LGPL.https://github.com/jblough/Android-Pdf-Viewer-LibraryAndroid RSS Libraryandroid-rss is a lightweight open-source (Apache 2.0) library to read parts of RSS 2.0 feeds. The library uses (Level 1) APIs such as android.net.Uri. The design features stream parsing with SAX. As a result, the memory footprint tends to be smaller compared to an equivalent DOM-based solution.https://github.com/ahorn/android-rssandroid-json-rpcThis open source library aims to help the implementation of JSON-RPC clients in android applications. The library provides a simple API to perform JSON-RPC calls from an android device.Project page on google code :http://code.google.com/p/android-json-rpc/android-wheelAndroid Picker widget like a wheelhttp://code.google.com/p/android-wheel/AndroidDataFrameworkLibrary to create and manage databases through xml resources.Read more at http://www.brighthub.com/mobile/google-android/articles/52883.aspxhttp://code.google.com/p/androiddataframework/downloads/listAndroidQueryAndroid-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android. Our goal is to make Android coding simpler, easier, and more fun.Features include: Less Code, AJAX Callback, Image Loading, List Item Optimization, XML Parsing, Chaining, Non-intrusive, and more...http://code.google.com/p/android-query/AndroidSideMenuAndroidSideMenu lets you create side (slide\drawer, whatever you call it) menu without special effort.Why this one is better than others? Because it works much faster (thanks to caching), so it's doesn't matter how complex your layouts are.Note that this library doesn't provide tools for creating menu itself, you are free
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